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SABA-GA's Latest Newsletter!

LAST CHANCE TO GET DISCOUNTED TICKETS - Holiday Party Details - Tabla, Dec. 11

Don't forget to get your holiday party tickets before prices go up.  This year's party will be on Thursday, December 11 at Tabla from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.  They're shutting the joint down just for us, so come toast to a happy, healthy, and successful year with your favorite legal eagles (AND BRING YOUR BETTER HALVES!)
Tickets can be purchased on the (new and improved!) SABA website, and as always, your ticket includes a loaded appetizer buffet and a free drink. T
ickets are $45, but SABA-GA members and all area law students receive a $10 discount with a special promo code that you can get by emailing us (members should have already received a separate email with the promo code, but reach out to us if you have not). For those non-members looking for a reason to join, if you become a Member and purchase your holiday ticket, you'll get both the dues and the holiday party entry for only $75.  REMINDER - ticket prices will go up $5 at the door.
Get your tickets early and come be a part of the most attended SABA-GA event of the year.  Remember to LIKE us on Facebook to keep up with all of our future events and to purchase tickets for the holiday party.

Save the Date - 10th Annual LIWOCA Leadership Conference

LIWOCA is hosting their 10th Annual Leadership Conference March 25-26, 2015.  Who is LIWOCA?  Want more details regarding the conference?  Click here!

Gov. Deal Seeks Fulton Co. Magistrate Applications

Gov. Deal is accepting applications for chief magistrate of Fulton County in accordance with HB 443 which passed during the 2013 Legislative Session of the Georgia General Assembly.

Individuals interested in this position should complete an application and send by mail, fax or electronically to:

Rhonda C. Barnes
Executive Assistant - Legal
Office of Governor Deal
201 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
F: 404-656-5948
E: rbarnes@georgia.gov

To obtain a copy of the application, please contact Rhonda Barnes at 404-651-7715, or at the email address indicated above. The deadline for receipt of applications is Thursday, Dec. 11.

Job Posting - S.E.L.C. Seeks Legal/Office Asst.

The Southern Environmental Law Center seeks a legal/office assistant.  If you or someone you know is interested, please click here for more details.

Upcoming - Elections Meeting in January

As we think ahead to the New Year, please consider running for a SABA-GA Board position. Upcoming newsletters will contain additional details, but we wanted to plant the seed of service.  You can learn a little more about SABA-GA and the current Board here.